Articles | Volume 27, issue 5
Research article
17 Mar 2023
Research article |  | 17 Mar 2023

Cooperation in a transboundary river basin: a large-scale socio-hydrological model of the Eastern Nile

Mohammad Ghoreishi, Amin Elshorbagy, Saman Razavi, Günter Blöschl, Murugesu Sivapalan, and Ahmed Abdelkader

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Cited articles

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Agreement on Declaration of Principles between the Arab Republic of Egypt, The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, and The Republic of the Sudan On The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Project: Agreement on Declaration of Principles between the Arab Republic of Egypt, The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, and the Republic of the Sudan on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Project, Signed at Khartoum, Sudan, (last access: 15 March 2023), 2015. 
Short summary
The study proposes a quantitative model of the willingness to cooperate in the Eastern Nile River basin. Our results suggest that the 2008 food crisis may account for Sudan recovering its willingness to cooperate with Ethiopia. Long-term lack of trust among the riparian countries may have reduced basin-wide cooperation. The model can be used to explore the effects of changes in future dam operations and other management decisions on the emergence of basin cooperation.