Articles | Volume 18, issue 12
Research article
08 Dec 2014
Research article |  | 08 Dec 2014

Climate change and stream temperature projections in the Columbia River basin: habitat implications of spatial variation in hydrologic drivers

D. L. Ficklin, B. L. Barnhart, J. H. Knouft, I. T. Stewart, E. P. Maurer, S. L. Letsinger, and G. W. Whittaker

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Short summary
We use a hydrologic model coupled with a stream temperature model and downscaled general circulation model outputs to explore changes in stream temperature in the Columbia River basin for the late 21st century. On average, stream temperatures are projected to increase 3.5 °C for the spring, 5.2 °C for the summer, 2.7 °C for the fall, and 1.6 °C for the winter. Our results capture the important, and often ignored, influence of hydrological processes on changes in stream temperature.