Articles | Volume 26, issue 13
Research article
13 Jul 2022
Research article |  | 13 Jul 2022

Exploring river–aquifer interactions and hydrological system response using baseflow separation, impulse response modeling, and time series analysis in three temperate lowland catchments

Min Lu, Bart Rogiers, Koen Beerten, Matej Gedeon, and Marijke Huysmans

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Anibas, C., Buis, K., Verhoeven, R., Meire, P., and Batelaan, O.: A simple thermal mapping method for seasonal spatial patterns of groundwater–surface water interaction, J. Hydrol., 397, 93–104,, 2011. 
Anibas, C., Schneidewind, U., Vandersteen, G., Joris, I., Seuntjens, P., and Batelaan, O.: From streambed temperature measurements to spatial-temporal flux quantification: Using the LPML method to study groundwater-surface water interaction, Hydrol. Process., 30, 203–216,, 2015. 
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Short summary
Lowland rivers and shallow aquifers are closely coupled. We study their interactions here using a combination of impulse response modeling and hydrological data analysis. The results show that the lowland catchments are groundwater dominated and that the hydrological system from precipitation impulse to groundwater inflow response is a very fast response regime. This study also provides an alternative method to estimate groundwater inflow to rivers from the perspective of groundwater level.