Articles | Volume 21, issue 6
Research article
09 Jun 2017
Research article |  | 09 Jun 2017

Hydrological threats to riparian wetlands of international importance – a global quantitative and qualitative analysis

Christof Schneider, Martina Flörke, Lucia De Stefano, and Jacob D. Petersen-Perlman

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Subject: Global hydrology | Techniques and Approaches: Modelling approaches
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Revised manuscript accepted for HESS
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Cited articles

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Riparian wetlands are disappearing worldwide due to altered river flow regimes. The WaterGAP3 modeling framework is used to compare modified to natural flow regimes at 93 Ramsar sites. Results indicate that water resource management seriously impairs inundation patterns at 29 % of the sites. New dam initiatives are likely to affect especially wetlands located in South America, Asia, and the Balkan Peninsula. Hotspots for climate change impacts could be eastern Europe and South America.