Articles | Volume 27, issue 17
Research article
 | Highlight paper
08 Sep 2023
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 08 Sep 2023

Calibration of groundwater seepage against the spatial distribution of the stream network to assess catchment-scale hydraulic properties

Ronan Abhervé, Clément Roques, Alexandre Gauvain, Laurent Longuevergne, Stéphane Louaisil, Luc Aquilina, and Jean-Raynald de Dreuzy

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Cited articles

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Executive editor
The characterization of subsurface hydraulic properties of catchments is one of the grand challenges in hydrology. This study explores the potential of using the stream network for this issue. The idea is very innovative and deserves to be highlighted.
Short summary
We propose a model calibration method constraining groundwater seepage in the hydrographic network. The method assesses the hydraulic properties of aquifers in regions where perennial streams are directly fed by groundwater. The estimated hydraulic conductivity appear to be highly sensitive to the spatial extent and density of streams. Such an approach improving subsurface characterization from surface information is particularly interesting for ungauged basins.