Articles | Volume 27, issue 6
Research article
21 Mar 2023
Research article |  | 21 Mar 2023

Soil moisture estimates at 1 km resolution making a synergistic use of Sentinel data

Remi Madelon, Nemesio J. Rodríguez-Fernández, Hassan Bazzi, Nicolas Baghdadi, Clement Albergel, Wouter Dorigo, and Mehrez Zribi

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Cited articles

Albergel, C., Rüdiger, C., Pellarin, T., Calvet, J.-C., Fritz, N., Froissard, F., Suquia, D., Petitpa, A., Piguet, B., and Martin, E.: From near-surface to root-zone soil moisture using an exponential filter: an assessment of the method based on in-situ observations and model simulations, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 12, 1323–1337,, 2008. a
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Amri, R., Zribi, M., Lili-Chabaane, Z., Duchemin, B., Gruhier, C., and Chehbouni, A.: Analysis of Vegetation Behavior in a North African Semi-Arid Region, Using SPOT-VEGETATION NDVI Data, Remote Sens., 3, 2568–2590,, 2011. a, b
Baghdadi, N., Holah, N., and Zribi, M.: Calibration of the integral equation model for SAR data in C-band and HH and VV polarizations, Remote Sens., 27, 805–816, 2006. a
Baghdadi, N., Chaaya, J., and Zribi, M.: Semiempirical calibration of the integral equation model for SAR data in C-band and cross polarization using radar images and field measurements, IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., 8, 14–18, 2011. a
Short summary
We present an approach to estimate soil moisture (SM) at 1 km resolution using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-3 satellites. The estimates were compared to other high-resolution (HR) datasets over Europe, northern Africa, Australia, and North America, showing good agreement. However, the discrepancies between the different HR datasets and their lower performances compared with in situ measurements and coarse-resolution datasets show the remaining challenges for large-scale HR SM mapping.