Articles | Volume 22, issue 1
Technical note
30 Jan 2018
Technical note |  | 30 Jan 2018

Technical note: Using distributed temperature sensing for Bowen ratio evaporation measurements

Bart Schilperoort, Miriam Coenders-Gerrits, Willem Luxemburg, César Jiménez Rodríguez, César Cisneros Vaca, and Hubert Savenije

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Decoupling of a Douglas fir canopy: a look into the subcanopy with continuous vertical temperature profiles
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Cited articles

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Barr, A. G., King, K. M., Gillespie, T. J., Den Hartog, G., and Neumann, H. H.: A comparison of bowen ratio and eddy correlation sensible and latent heat flux measurements above deciduous forest, Bound.-Lay. Meteorol., 71, 21–41,, 1994.
Short summary
Using the DTS technology, we measured the evaporation of a forest using fibre optic cables. The cables work like long thermometers, with a measurement every 12.5 cm. We placed the cables vertically along the tower, one cable being dry, the other kept wet. By looking at the dry and wet cable temperatures over the height we are able to study heat storage and the amount of water the forest is evaporating. These results can be used to better understand the storage and heat exchange of forests.