Articles | Volume 20, issue 1
Research article
15 Jan 2016
Research article |  | 15 Jan 2016

Effects of cultivation and reforestation on suspended sediment concentrations: a case study in a mountainous catchment in China

N. F. Fang, F. X. Chen, H. Y. Zhang, Y. X. Wang, and Z. H. Shi

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Cited articles

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Whether changes in land use/cover alter soil loss by changing the runoff volume or by changing the suspended sediment concentration (SSC) has received little attention. This paper presents suspended sediment concentration dynamics and the relationship between SSC and discharge (Q) in the 8973 km2 Du catchment and its sub-catchment (4635 km2). ANOVA indicated that the SSC did not significantly change under cultivation for low and moderate flows, but was significantly different under high flow.