Articles | Volume 28, issue 20
Technical note
29 Oct 2024
Technical note |  | 29 Oct 2024

Technical note: A guide to using three open-source quality control algorithms for rainfall data from personal weather stations

Abbas El Hachem, Jochen Seidel, Tess O'Hara, Roberto Villalobos Herrera, Aart Overeem, Remko Uijlenhoet, András Bárdossy, and Lotte de Vos

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Cited articles

Bárdossy, A., Seidel, J., and El Hachem, A.: The use of personal weather station observations to improve precipitation estimation and interpolation, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 25, 583–601,, 2021. a, b, c, d
Bárdossy, A., Seidel, J., Eisele, M., Hachem, A. E., Kunstmann, H., Chwala, C., Graf, M., Demuth, N., and Gerlach, N.: Verbesserung der Abschätzung von Gebietsniederschlägen mittels opportunistischer Niederschlagsmessungen am Beispiel des Ahr-Hochwassers im Juli 2021, Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, 66, 208–214, (last access: 11 October 2024), 2022. a, b
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Chwala, C., Graf, M., Øydvin, E., Habi, H. V., El Hachem, A., Schutz, G., Seidel, J., de Vos, L., Fencl, M., Blettner, N., and Overeem, A.: OpenSenseAction/OPENSENSE_sandbox: v0.1.0 (v0.1.0), Zenodo [code],, 2024. a
Short summary
This study presents an overview of open-source quality control (QC) algorithms for rainfall data from personal weather stations (PWSs). The methodology and usability along technical and operational guidelines for using every QC algorithm are presented. All three QC algorithms are available for users to explore in the OpenSense sandbox. They were applied in a case study using PWS data from the Amsterdam region in the Netherlands.  The results highlight the necessity for data quality control.