Articles | Volume 27, issue 7
Research article
11 Apr 2023
Research article |  | 11 Apr 2023

Soil–vegetation–water interactions controlling solute flow and chemical weathering in volcanic ash soils of the high Andes

Sebastián Páez-Bimos, Armando Molina, Marlon Calispa, Pierre Delmelle, Braulio Lahuatte, Marcos Villacís, Teresa Muñoz, and Veerle Vanacker

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Cited articles

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Short summary
This study analyzes how vegetation influences soil hydrology, water fluxes, and chemical weathering rates in the high Andes. There are clear differences in the A horizon. The extent of soil chemical weathering varies depending on vegetation type. This difference is attributed mainly to the water fluxes. Our findings reveal that vegetation can modify soil properties in the uppermost horizon, altering the water balance, solutes, and chemical weathering throughout the entire soil profile.