Articles | Volume 21, issue 11
Research article
27 Nov 2017
Research article |  | 27 Nov 2017

Impacts of changes in groundwater recharge on the isotopic composition and geochemistry of seasonally ice-covered lakes: insights for sustainable management

Marie Arnoux, Florent Barbecot, Elisabeth Gibert-Brunet, John Gibson, and Aurélie Noret

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Cited articles

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Arnoux, M., Gibert-Brunet, E., Barbecot, F., Gillon, S., Gibson, J., and Noret, A.: Interactions between groundwater and seasonally ice-covered lakes: Using water stable isotopes and radon-222 multilayer mass balance models, Hydrol. Process., 31, 2566–2581, 2017b.
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Short summary
Future climate and recharge change scenarios are tested on lake hydrological balances to simulate changes in lake isotopic signature and water quality. Results highlight that lake water evolution depends mainly on the location and the intensity of recharge changes. Lake water isotopic composition appears to be particularly sensitive to future changes in recharge for lakes with between 50 % and 80 % of groundwater in their total inflows.