Articles | Volume 25, issue 4
Research article
07 Apr 2021
Research article |  | 07 Apr 2021

Bathymetry and latitude modify lake warming under ice

Cintia L. Ramón, Hugo N. Ulloa, Tomy Doda, Kraig B. Winters, and Damien Bouffard

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Cited articles

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Bouffard, D. and Wüest, A.: Convection in Lakes, Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech., 51, 189–215,, 2019. 
Bouffard, D., Zdorovennov, R. E., Zdorovennova, G. E., Pasche, N., Wüest, A., and Terzhevik, A. Y.: Ice-covered Lake Onega: effects of radiation on convection and internal waves, Hydrobiologia, 780, 21–36,, 2016. 
Bouffard, D., Zdorovennova, G., Bogdanov, S., Efremova, T., Lavanchy, S., Palshin, N., Terzhevik, A., Vinnå, L. R., Volkov, S., Wüest, A., Zdorovennov, R., and Ulloa, H. N.: Under-ice convection dynamics in a boreal lake, Inl. Waters, 9, 142–161,, 2019. 
Short summary
When solar radiation penetrates the frozen surface of lakes, shallower zones underneath warm faster than deep interior waters. This numerical study shows that the transport of excess heat to the lake interior depends on the lake circulation, affected by Earth's rotation, and controls the lake warming rates and the spatial distribution of the heat flux across the ice–water interface. This work contributes to the understanding of the circulation and thermal structure patterns of ice-covered lakes.