Articles | Volume 21, issue 1
Research article
30 Jan 2017
Research article |  | 30 Jan 2017

MSWEP: 3-hourly 0.25° global gridded precipitation (1979–2015) by merging gauge, satellite, and reanalysis data

Hylke E. Beck, Albert I. J. M. van Dijk, Vincenzo Levizzani, Jaap Schellekens, Diego G. Miralles, Brecht Martens, and Ad de Roo

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Cited articles

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Short summary
MSWEP (Multi-Source Weighted-Ensem­ble Pre­cip­i­ta­tion) is a new global ter­res­trial pre­cip­i­ta­tion dataset with a high 3-hourly tem­po­ral and 0.25° spa­tial res­o­lu­tion. The dataset is unique in that it takes advan­tage of a wide range of data sources, includ­ing gauge, satel­lite, and reanaly­sis data, to obtain the best pos­si­ble precipitation esti­mates at global scale. The dataset outper­forms existing gauge-adjusted precipitation datasets.