Articles | Volume 21, issue 5
Research article
03 May 2017
Research article |  | 03 May 2017

Effects of uncertainty in soil properties on simulated hydrological states and fluxes at different spatio-temporal scales

Gabriele Baroni, Matthias Zink, Rohini Kumar, Luis Samaniego, and Sabine Attinger

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Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 13, 9–25,,, 2024
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Presentation and discussion of the high-resolution atmosphere–land-surface–subsurface simulation dataset of the simulated Neckar catchment for the period 2007–2015
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A dense network of cosmic-ray neutron sensors for soil moisture observation in a highly instrumented pre-Alpine headwater catchment in Germany
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Improving calibration and validation of cosmic-ray neutron sensors in the light of spatial sensitivity
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Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 5009–5030,,, 2017
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High-Resolution Virtual Catchment Simulations of the Subsurface-Land Surface-Atmosphere System
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Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss.,,, 2016
Manuscript not accepted for further review
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Subject: Catchment hydrology | Techniques and Approaches: Uncertainty analysis
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Cited articles

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Short summary
Three methods are used to characterize the uncertainty in soil properties. The effect on simulated states and fluxes is quantified using a distributed hydrological model. Different impacts are identified as function of the perturbation method, of the model outputs and of the spatio-temporal resolution. The study underlines the importance of a proper characterization of the uncertainty in soil properties for a correct assessment of their role and further improvements in the model application.