Articles | Volume 24, issue 1
Research article
16 Jan 2020
Research article |  | 16 Jan 2020

Flooding in the Mekong Delta: the impact of dyke systems on downstream hydrodynamics

Vo Quoc Thanh, Dano Roelvink, Mick van der Wegen, Johan Reyns, Herman Kernkamp, Giap Van Vinh, and Vo Thi Phuong Linh

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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Geoscientific Model Development (GMD).
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A 2-D process-based model for suspended sediment dynamics: a first step towards ecological modeling
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Achete, F. M., van der Wegen, M., Roelvink, D., and Jaffe, B.: A 2-D process-based model for suspended sediment dynamics: a first step towards ecological modeling, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 2837–2857,, 2015. 
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Short summary
The Vietnamese Mekong Delta (VMD) is a rice bowl of not only Vietnam, but also the world; agriculture is the main source of livelihood in the delta. The VMD is facing threats related to water management and hydraulic structures. Dykes are built to protect agricultural crops in the floodplains and may influence water regimes downstream in the VMD. If the VMD floodplains are completely protected by dykes, yearly mean water levels could increase by 3 cm (at Can Tho) and 1.5 cm (at My Thuan).