Articles | Volume 23, issue 4
Review article
24 Apr 2019
Review article |  | 24 Apr 2019

A synthesis of three decades of hydrological research at Scotty Creek, NWT, Canada

William Quinton, Aaron Berg, Michael Braverman, Olivia Carpino, Laura Chasmer, Ryan Connon, James Craig, Élise Devoie, Masaki Hayashi, Kristine Haynes, David Olefeldt, Alain Pietroniro, Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Robert Schincariol, and Oliver Sonnentag

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Preprint under review for HESS
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The ABCflux database: Arctic–boreal CO2 flux observations and ancillary information aggregated to monthly time steps across terrestrial ecosystems
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Long-term climate-influenced land cover change in discontinuous permafrost peatland complexes
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Summary and synthesis of Changing Cold Regions Network (CCRN) research in the interior of western Canada – Part 2: Future change in cryosphere, vegetation, and hydrology
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Cited articles

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Baltzer, J. L., Veness, T., Chasmer, L. E., Sniderhan, A. E., and Quinton, W. L.: Forests on thawing permafrost: fragmentation, edge effects, and net forest loss, Global Change Biol., 20, 824–834,, 2014. 
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Short summary
This paper synthesizes nearly three decades of eco-hydrological field and modelling studies at Scotty Creek, Northwest Territories, Canada, highlighting the key insights into the major water flux and storage processes operating within and between the major land cover types of this wetland-dominated region of discontinuous permafrost. It also examines the rate and pattern of permafrost-thaw-induced land cover change and how such changes will affect the hydrology and water resources of the region.