Articles | Volume 22, issue 5
Research article
24 May 2018
Research article |  | 24 May 2018

Extrapolating regional probability of drying of headwater streams using discrete observations and gauging networks

Aurélien Beaufort, Nicolas Lamouroux, Hervé Pella, Thibault Datry, and Eric Sauquet

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Cited articles

Acuña, V., Hunter, M., and Ruhí, A.: Managing temporary streams and rivers as unique rather than second-class ecosystems, Biol. Conserv., 211, 12–19,, 2017.
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Benstead, J. P. and Leigh, D. S.: An expanded role for river networks, Nat. Geosci., 5, 678–679, 2012.
Short summary
Streams which may stop flowing are poorly gauged. To improve their characterisation, we use an extended network providing monthly visual observations stating whether streams are flowing or not across France. These observations are combined with discharge and groundwater level in models to predict daily regional probability of drying. This approach allows identification of the most impacted regions by flow intermittence and estimation of the probability of drying dynamics over the last 27 years.