Articles | Volume 25, issue 6
Research article
01 Jul 2021
Research article |  | 01 Jul 2021

Quantifying floodwater impacts on a lake water budget via volume-dependent transient stable isotope mass balance

Janie Masse-Dufresne, Florent Barbecot, Paul Baudron, and John Gibson

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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS).
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Arnoux, M., Barbecot, F., Gibert-Brunet, E., Gibson, J., and Noret, A.: Impacts of changes in groundwater recharge on the isotopic composition and geochemistry of seasonally ice-covered lakes: insights for sustainable management, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 5875–5889,, 2017a. 
Arnoux, M., Barbecot, F., Gibert-Brunet, E., Gibson, J., Rosa, E., Noret, A., and Monvoisin, G.: Geochemical and isotopic mass balances of kettle lakes in southern Quebec (Canada) as tools to document variations in groundwater quantity and quality, Environ. Earth Sci., 76, 106,, 2017b. 
Short summary
A volume-dependent transient isotopic mass balance model was developed for an artificial lake in Canada, in a context where direct measurements of surface water fluxes are difficult. It revealed that floodwater inputs affected the dynamics of the lake in spring but also significantly influenced the long-term water balance due to temporary subsurface storage of floodwater. Such models are paramount for understanding the vulnerability of lakes to changes in groundwater quantity and quality.