Articles | Volume 19, issue 10
Research article
06 Oct 2015
Research article |  | 06 Oct 2015

Long-term and high-frequency non-destructive monitoring of water stable isotope profiles in an evaporating soil column

Y. Rothfuss, S. Merz, J. Vanderborght, N. Hermes, A. Weuthen, A. Pohlmeier, H. Vereecken, and N. Brüggemann

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Preprint under review for ESSD
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Cited articles

Barnes, C. J. and Allison, G. B.: The Distribution of Deuterium and 18O in Dry Soils, 1. Theory, J. Hydrol., 60, 141–156,, 1983.
Barnes, C. J. and Allison, G. B.: The Distribution of Deuterium and 18O in Dry Soils, 3. Theory for Non-Isothermal Water-Movement, J. Hydrol., 74, 119–135,, 1984.
Barnes, C. J. and Allison, G. B.: Tracing of water movement in the unsaturated zone using stable isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen, J. Hydrol., 100, 143–176,, 1988.
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Blasch, K. W. and Bryson, J. R.: Distinguishing sources of ground water recharge by using δ2H and δ18O, Ground Water, 45, 294–308,, 2007.
Short summary
Profiles of soil water stable isotopes were followed non-destructively and with high precision for a period of 290 days in the laboratory Rewatering at the end of the experiment led to instantaneous resetting of the isotope profiles, which could be closely followed with the new method The evaporation depth dynamics was determined from isotope gradients calculation Uncertainty associated with the determination of isotope kinetic fractionation where highlighted from inverse modeling.