Articles | Volume 18, issue 11
Research article
28 Nov 2014
Research article |  | 28 Nov 2014

Effect of meteorological forcing and snow model complexity on hydrological simulations in the Sieber catchment (Harz Mountains, Germany)

K. Förster, G. Meon, T. Marke, and U. Strasser

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Cited articles

Anderson, E. A.: Development and testing of snow pack energy balance equations, Water Resour. Res., 4, 19–37, 1968.
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Bales, R. C., Molotch, N. P., Painter, T. H., Dettinger, M. D., Rice, R., and Dozier, J.: Mountain hydrology of the western United States, Water Resour. Res., 42, W08432,, 2006.
Barry, R. G. and Gan, T. Y.: The Global Cryosphere: Past, Present, and Future, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2011.
Bernhardt, M., Liston, G. E., Strasser, U., Zängl, G., and Schulz, K.: High resolution modelling of snow transport in complex terrain using downscaled MM5 wind fields, The Cryosphere, 4, 99–113,, 2010.
Short summary
Four snow models of different complexity (temperature-index vs. energy balance models) are compared using observed and dynamically downscaled atmospheric analysis data as input. Biases in simulated precipitation lead to lower model performance. However, simulated meteorological conditions are proven to be a valuable meteorological data source as they provide model input in regions with limited availability of observations and allow the application of energy balance approaches.