Articles | Volume 24, issue 3
Research article
01 Apr 2020
Research article |  | 01 Apr 2020

The role of liquid water percolation representation in estimating snow water equivalent in a Mediterranean mountain region (Mount Lebanon)

Abbas Fayad and Simon Gascoin

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Cited articles

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Baba, M. W., Gascoin, S., Jarlan, L., Simonneaux, V., and Hanich, L.: Variations of the snow water equivalent in the Ourika catchment (Morocco) over 2000–2018 using downscaled MERRA-2 data, Water, 10, 1120,, 2018b. 
Baba, M. W., Gascoin, S., Kinnard, C., Marchane, A., and Hanich, L.: Effect of digital elevation model resolution on the simulation of the snow cover evolution in the High Atlas, Water Resour. Res., 55, 5360–5378,, 2019. 
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Short summary
Seasonal snowpack is an essential water resource in Mediterranean mountains. Here, we look at the role of water percolation in simulating snow mass (SWE), for the first time, in Mount Lebanon. We use SnowModel, a distributed snow model, forced by station data. The main sources of uncertainty were attributed to rain–snow partitioning, transient winter snowmelt, and the subpixel snow cover. Yet, we show that a process-based model is suitable to simulate wet snowpack in Mediterranean mountains.