Articles | Volume 22, issue 12
Research article
14 Dec 2018
Research article |  | 14 Dec 2018

Temporal- and spatial-scale and positional effects on rain erosivity derived from point-scale and contiguous rain data

Franziska K. Fischer, Tanja Winterrath, and Karl Auerswald

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Cited articles

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Auerswald, K., Fiener, P., Gomez, J. A., Govers, G., Quinton J. N., and Strauss, P.: Comment on “Rainfall erosivity in Europe” by Panagos et al. (Sci. Total Environ., 511, 801–814, 2015), Sci. Total Environ., 532, 849–852,, 2015. 
Short summary
The potential of rain to cause soil erosion by runoff is called rain erosivity. Rain erosivity is highly variable in space and time even over distances of less than 1 km. Contiguously measured radar rain data depict for the first time this spatio-temporal variation, but scaling factors are required to account for differences in spatial and temporal resolution compared to rain gauge data. These scaling factors were obtained from more than 2 million erosive events.