Articles | Volume 25, issue 12
Research article
13 Dec 2021
Research article |  | 13 Dec 2021

Use of water isotopes and chemistry to infer the type and degree of exchange between groundwater and lakes in an esker complex of northeastern Ontario, Canada

Maxime P. Boreux, Scott F. Lamoureux, and Brian F. Cumming

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Cited articles

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Ala-aho, P., Rossi, P. M., Isokangas, E., and Kløve, B.: Fully integrated surface–subsurface flow modelling of groundwater–lake interaction in an esker aquifer: Model verification with stable isotopes and airborne thermal imaging, J. Hydrol., 522, 391–406,, 2015a. 
Ala-aho, P., Rossi, P. M., and Kløve, B.: Estimation of temporal and spatial variations in groundwater recharge in unconfined sand aquifers using Scots pine inventories, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 1961–1976,, 2015b. 
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Arnoux, M., Barbecot, F., Gibert-Brunet, E., Gibson, J., Rosa, E., Noret, A. and Monvoisin, G.: Geochemical and isotopic mass balances of kettle lakes in southern Quebec (Canada) as tools to document variations in groundwater quantity and quality, Environ. Earth Sci., 76, 106,, 2017a. 
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The investigation of groundwater–lake-water interactions in highly permeable boreal terrain using several indicators showed that lowland lakes are embedded into the groundwater system and are thus relatively resilient to short-term hydroclimatic change, while upland lakes rely more on precipitation as their main water input, making them more sensitive to evaporative drawdown. This suggests that landscape position controls the vulnerability of lake-water levels to hydroclimatic change.