Articles | Volume 20, issue 7
Research article
04 Jul 2016
Research article |  | 04 Jul 2016

A quantitative analysis to objectively appraise drought indicators and model drought impacts

S. Bachmair, C. Svensson, J. Hannaford, L. J. Barker, and K. Stahl

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Cited articles

Bachmair, S., Kohn, I., and Stahl, K.: Exploring the link between drought indicators and impacts, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 15, 1381–1397,, 2015.
Blauhut, V., Gudmundsson, L., and Stahl, K.: Towards pan-European drought risk maps: quantifying the link between drought indices and reported drought impacts, Environ. Res. Lett., 10, 014008,, 2015.
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Short summary
To date, there is little empirical evidence as to which indicator best represents drought impact occurrence for any given region and/or sector. We therefore exploited text-based data from the European Drought Impact report Inventory (EDII) to evaluate drought indicators, empirically determine indicator thresholds, and model drought impacts. A quantitative analysis using Germany and the UK as a testbed proved to be a useful tool for objectively appraising drought indicators.