Articles | Volume 29, issue 4
Research article
03 Mar 2025
Research article |  | 03 Mar 2025

Are dependencies of extreme rainfall on humidity more reliable in convection-permitting climate models?

Geert Lenderink, Nikolina Ban, Erwan Brisson, Ségolène Berthou, Virginia Edith Cortés-Hernández, Elizabeth Kendon, Hayley J. Fowler, and Hylke de Vries

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Cited articles

Aalbers, E. E., van Meijgaard, E., Lenderink, G., de Vries, H., and van den Hurk, B. J. J. M.: The 2018 west-central European drought projected in a warmer climate: how much drier can it get?, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 23, 1921–1946,, 2023. 
Ali, H., Fowler, H. J., Pritchard, D., Lenderink, G., Blenkinsop, S., and Lewis, E.: Towards Quantifying the Uncertainty in Estimating Observed Scaling Rates, Geophys. Res. Lett., 49, e2022GL099138,, 2022. 
Attema, J. J., Loriaux, J. M., and Lenderink, G.: Extreme precipitation response to climate perturbations in an atmospheric mesoscale model, Environ. Res. Lett., 9, 014003,, 2014. 
Ban, N., Rajczak, J., Schmidli, J., and Schär, C.: Analysis of Alpine precipitation extremes using generalized extreme value theory in convection-resolving climate simulations, Clim. Dynam., 55, 61–75,, 2020. 
Short summary
Future extreme rainfall events are influenced by changes in both absolute and relative humidity. The impact of increasing absolute humidity is reasonably well understood, but the role of relative humidity decreases over land remains largely unknown. Using hourly observations from France and the Netherlands, we find that lower relative humidity generally leads to more intense rainfall extremes. This relation is only captured well in recently developed convection-permitting climate models.