Articles | Volume 28, issue 19
Research article
09 Oct 2024
Research article |  | 09 Oct 2024

Multi-objective calibration and evaluation of the ORCHIDEE land surface model over France at high resolution

Peng Huang, Agnès Ducharne, Lucia Rinchiuso, Jan Polcher, Laure Baratgin, Vladislav Bastrikov, and Eric Sauquet

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Cited articles

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Arboleda-Obando, P. F., Ducharne, A., Yin, Z., and Ciais, P.: Validation of a new global irrigation scheme in the land surface model ORCHIDEE v2.2, Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 2141–2164,, 2024. a
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Baratgin, L., Polcher, J., Dumas, P., and Quirion, P.: Modeling hydropower operations at the scale of a power grid: a demand-based approach, EGUsphere [preprint],, 2024. a, b, c, d
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Short summary
We conducted a high-resolution hydrological simulation from 1959 to 2020 across France. We used a simple trial-and-error calibration to reduce the biases of the simulated water budget compared to observations. The selected simulation satisfactorily reproduces water fluxes, including their spatial contrasts and temporal trends. This work offers a reliable historical overview of water resources and a robust configuration for climate change impact analysis at the nationwide scale of France.