Articles | Volume 22, issue 4
Research article
04 Apr 2018
Research article |  | 04 Apr 2018

Hydrological assessment of atmospheric forcing uncertainty in the Euro-Mediterranean area using a land surface model

Emiliano Gelati, Bertrand Decharme, Jean-Christophe Calvet, Marie Minvielle, Jan Polcher, David Fairbairn, and Graham P. Weedon

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Sequential assimilation of satellite-derived vegetation and soil moisture products using SURFEX_v8.0: LDAS-Monde assessment over the Euro-Mediterranean area
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Cited articles

Albergel, C., de Rosnay, P., Gruhier, C., Muñoz-Sabater, J., Hasenauer, S., Isaksen, L., Kerr, Y., and Wagner, W.: Evaluation of remotely sensed and modelled soil moisture products using global ground-based in situ observations, Remote Sens. Environ., 118, 215–226,, 2012. 
Albergel, C., Dorigo, W., Balsamo, G., Muñoz-Sabater, J., de Rosnay, P., Isaksen, L., Brocca, L., de Jeu, R., and Wagner, W.: Monitoring multi-decadal satellite earth observation of soil moisture products through land surface reanalyses, Remote Sens. Environ., 138, 77–89,, 2013a. 
Albergel, C., Dorigo, W., Reichle, R. H., Balsamo, G., de Rosnay, P., Muñoz-Sabater, J., Isaksen, L., de Jeu, R., and Wagner, W.: Skill and global trend analysis of soil moisture from reanalyses and microwave remote sensing, J. Hydrometeorol., 14, 1259–1277,, 2013b. 
Albergel, C., Munier, S., Leroux, D. J., Dewaele, H., Fairbairn, D., Barbu, A. L., Gelati, E., Dorigo, W., Faroux, S., Meurey, C., Le Moigne, P., Decharme, B., Mahfouf, J.-F., and Calvet, J.-C.: Sequential assimilation of satellite-derived vegetation and soil moisture products using SURFEX_v8.0: LDAS-Monde assessment over the Euro-Mediterranean area, Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 3889–3912,, 2017. 
Alkama, R., Decharme, B., Douville, H., Becker, M., Cazenave, A., Sheffield, J., Voldoire, A., Tyteca, S., and Le Moigne, P.: Global evaluation of the isba-trip continental hydrological system, Part I: comparison to GRACE terrestrial water storage estimates and in situ river discharges, J. Hydrometeorol., 11, 583–600,, 2010. 
Short summary
We compared land surface model simulations forced by several meteorological datasets with observations over the Euro-Mediterranean area, for the 1979–2012 period. Precipitation was the most uncertain forcing variable. The impacts of forcing uncertainty were larger on the mean and standard deviation rather than the timing, shape and inter-annual variability of simulated discharge. Simulated leaf area index and surface soil moisture were relatively insensitive to these uncertainties.