Articles | Volume 22, issue 4
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© Author(s) 2018. This work is distributed under
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the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Hydrological assessment of atmospheric forcing uncertainty in the Euro-Mediterranean area using a land surface model
Emiliano Gelati
CNRM, UMR3589 (Météo-France, CNRS), Toulouse, France
now at: Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Ispra, Italy
Bertrand Decharme
CNRM, UMR3589 (Météo-France, CNRS), Toulouse, France
Jean-Christophe Calvet
CNRM, UMR3589 (Météo-France, CNRS), Toulouse, France
Marie Minvielle
CNRM, UMR3589 (Météo-France, CNRS), Toulouse, France
Jan Polcher
Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique du CNRS, UMR8539 (IPSL,
CNRS), Paris, France
David Fairbairn
CNRM, UMR3589 (Météo-France, CNRS), Toulouse, France
now at: European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts, Reading, UK
Graham P. Weedon
Met Office, Joint Centre for Hydrometeorological Research,
Wallingford, UK
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15 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Recent Changes in the ISBA‐CTRIP Land Surface System for Use in the CNRM‐CM6 Climate Model and in Global Off‐Line Hydrological Applications B. Decharme et al. 10.1029/2018MS001545
- A permutation approach to evaluating the performance of a forecasting model of methane content in the atmospheric surface layer of arctic region A. Sergeev et al. 10.1016/j.apr.2023.102000
- Technical note: Inherent benchmark or not? Comparing Nash–Sutcliffe and Kling–Gupta efficiency scores W. Knoben et al. 10.5194/hess-23-4323-2019
- Estimates of net primary productivity and actual evapotranspiration over the Tibetan Plateau from the Community Land Model version 4.5 with four atmospheric forcing datasets S. Lin et al. 10.1093/jpe/rtae052
- Assessment of the interactions between soil–biosphere–atmosphere (ISBA) land surface model soil hydrology, using four closed-form soil water relationships and several lysimeters A. Sobaga et al. 10.5194/hess-27-2437-2023
- Effect of Vegetation Growth, Agricultural Irrigation and Climatic Variability on Streamflow in Wujiang, China J. Wang et al. 10.3390/f15111928
- Impact of model physics, meteorological forcing, and soil property data on simulating soil moisture and temperature profiles on the Tibetan Plateau P. Zhang et al. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2025.132809
- Attribution Analysis of Seasonal Runoff in the Source Region of the Yellow River Using Seasonal Budyko Hypothesis G. Ji et al. 10.3390/land10050542
- A first continuous and distributed satellite-based mapping of river discharge over the Amazon V. Pellet et al. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.128481
- Multi-objective calibration and evaluation of the ORCHIDEE land surface model over France at high resolution P. Huang et al. 10.5194/hess-28-4455-2024
- Assessment of precipitation error propagation in multi-model global water resource reanalysis M. Ehsan Bhuiyan et al. 10.5194/hess-23-1973-2019
- Remote Sensing of River Discharge: A Review and a Framing for the Discipline C. Gleason & M. Durand 10.3390/rs12071107
- Integrating Convolutional Attention and Encoder–Decoder Long Short-Term Memory for Enhanced Soil Moisture Prediction J. Han et al. 10.3390/w16233481
- Hydrologic Model Sensitivity to Temporal Aggregation of Meteorological Forcing Data: A Case Study for the Contiguous United States A. Van Beusekom et al. 10.1175/JHM-D-21-0111.1
- Dynamic evolution of attribution analysis of runoff based on the complementary Budyko equation in the source area of Lancang river X. Yang et al. 10.3389/feart.2023.1160520
15 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Recent Changes in the ISBA‐CTRIP Land Surface System for Use in the CNRM‐CM6 Climate Model and in Global Off‐Line Hydrological Applications B. Decharme et al. 10.1029/2018MS001545
- A permutation approach to evaluating the performance of a forecasting model of methane content in the atmospheric surface layer of arctic region A. Sergeev et al. 10.1016/j.apr.2023.102000
- Technical note: Inherent benchmark or not? Comparing Nash–Sutcliffe and Kling–Gupta efficiency scores W. Knoben et al. 10.5194/hess-23-4323-2019
- Estimates of net primary productivity and actual evapotranspiration over the Tibetan Plateau from the Community Land Model version 4.5 with four atmospheric forcing datasets S. Lin et al. 10.1093/jpe/rtae052
- Assessment of the interactions between soil–biosphere–atmosphere (ISBA) land surface model soil hydrology, using four closed-form soil water relationships and several lysimeters A. Sobaga et al. 10.5194/hess-27-2437-2023
- Effect of Vegetation Growth, Agricultural Irrigation and Climatic Variability on Streamflow in Wujiang, China J. Wang et al. 10.3390/f15111928
- Impact of model physics, meteorological forcing, and soil property data on simulating soil moisture and temperature profiles on the Tibetan Plateau P. Zhang et al. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2025.132809
- Attribution Analysis of Seasonal Runoff in the Source Region of the Yellow River Using Seasonal Budyko Hypothesis G. Ji et al. 10.3390/land10050542
- A first continuous and distributed satellite-based mapping of river discharge over the Amazon V. Pellet et al. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.128481
- Multi-objective calibration and evaluation of the ORCHIDEE land surface model over France at high resolution P. Huang et al. 10.5194/hess-28-4455-2024
- Assessment of precipitation error propagation in multi-model global water resource reanalysis M. Ehsan Bhuiyan et al. 10.5194/hess-23-1973-2019
- Remote Sensing of River Discharge: A Review and a Framing for the Discipline C. Gleason & M. Durand 10.3390/rs12071107
- Integrating Convolutional Attention and Encoder–Decoder Long Short-Term Memory for Enhanced Soil Moisture Prediction J. Han et al. 10.3390/w16233481
- Hydrologic Model Sensitivity to Temporal Aggregation of Meteorological Forcing Data: A Case Study for the Contiguous United States A. Van Beusekom et al. 10.1175/JHM-D-21-0111.1
- Dynamic evolution of attribution analysis of runoff based on the complementary Budyko equation in the source area of Lancang river X. Yang et al. 10.3389/feart.2023.1160520
Latest update: 07 Mar 2025
Short summary
We compared land surface model simulations forced by several meteorological datasets with observations over the Euro-Mediterranean area, for the 1979–2012 period. Precipitation was the most uncertain forcing variable. The impacts of forcing uncertainty were larger on the mean and standard deviation rather than the timing, shape and inter-annual variability of simulated discharge. Simulated leaf area index and surface soil moisture were relatively insensitive to these uncertainties.
We compared land surface model simulations forced by several meteorological datasets with...