Articles | Volume 21, issue 7
Research article
04 Jul 2017
Research article |  | 04 Jul 2017

The analogue method for precipitation prediction: finding better analogue situations at a sub-daily time step

Pascal Horton, Charles Obled, and Michel Jaboyedoff

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Cited articles

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Ben Daoud, A., Sauquet, E., Bontron, G., Obled, C., and Lang, M.: Daily quantitative precipitation forecasts based on the analogue method: improvements and application to a French large river basin, Atmos. Res., 169, 147–159,, 2016.
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Short summary
The analogue method aims at forecasting precipitation by means of a statistical relationship with meteorological variables at a large scale, such as the general atmospheric circulation. A moving time window has been introduced here in order to allow finding better analogue situations at different hours of the day. This change resulted in a better analogy of the atmospheric circulation, with improved prediction skills, and even to a greater extent for days with heavy precipitation.