Articles | Volume 18, issue 9
Research article
26 Sep 2014
Research article |  | 26 Sep 2014

Evaluation of surface properties and atmospheric disturbances caused by post-dam alterations of land use/land cover

A. T. Woldemichael, F. Hossain, and R. Pielke Sr.

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Subject: Hydrometeorology | Techniques and Approaches: Modelling approaches
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Global total precipitable water variations and trends over the period 1958–2021
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Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 28, 2123–2137,,, 2024
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Assessing decadal- to centennial-scale nonstationary variability in meteorological drought trends
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Identification of compound drought and heatwave events on a daily scale and across four seasons
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Potential for historically unprecedented Australian droughts from natural variability and climate change
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Cited articles

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