Articles | Volume 25, issue 5
Research article
10 May 2021
Research article |  | 10 May 2021

Using data assimilation to optimize pedotransfer functions using field-scale in situ soil moisture observations

Elizabeth Cooper, Eleanor Blyth, Hollie Cooper, Rich Ellis, Ewan Pinnington, and Simon J. Dadson

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Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss.,,, 2024
Preprint under review for HESS
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COSMOS-UK: national soil moisture and hydrometeorology data for environmental science research
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Cited articles

Antoniou, V., Askquith-Ellis, A., Bagnoli, S., Ball, L., Bennett, E., Blake, J., Boorman, D., Brooks, M., Clarke, M., Cooper, H., Cowan, N., Cumming, A., Doughty, L., Evans, J., Farrand, P., Fry, M., Hewitt, N., Hitt, O., Jenkins, A., Kral, F., Libre, J., Lord, W., Roberts, C., Morrison, R., Parkes, M., Nash, G., Newcomb, J., Rylett, D., Scarlett, P., Singer, A., Stanley, S., Swain, O., Thornton, J., Trill, E., Vincent, H., Ward, H., Warwick, A., Winterbourn, B., and Wright, G.: COSMOS-UK user guide: users' guide to sites, instruments and available data (version 2.10), Tech. Rep., Wallingford, (last access: 5 August 2020), 2019. a, b, c, d
Baatz, R., Bogena, H., Hendricks Franssen, H.-J., Huisman, J., Qu, W., Montzka, C., and Vereecken, H.: Calibration of a catchment scale cosmic-ray probe network: A comparison of three parameterization methods determination of soil moisture: Measurements and theoretical approaches, J. Hydrol., 516, 231–244,, 2014. a, b
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Bogena, H. R., Huisman, J. A., Baatz, R., Hendricks Franssen, H.-J., and Vereecken, H.: Accuracy of the cosmic-ray soil water content probe in humid forest ecosystems: The worst case scenario, Water Resour. Res., 49, 5778–5791,, 2013. a
Short summary
Soil moisture estimates from land surface models are important for forecasting floods, droughts, weather, and climate trends. We show that by combining model estimates of soil moisture with measurements from field-scale, ground-based sensors, we can improve the performance of the land surface model in predicting soil moisture values.