Articles | Volume 23, issue 10
Research article
25 Oct 2019
Research article |  | 25 Oct 2019

Time variability and uncertainty in the fraction of young water in a small headwater catchment

Michael Paul Stockinger, Heye Reemt Bogena, Andreas Lücke, Christine Stumpp, and Harry Vereecken

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Cited articles

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Bogena, H. R., Montzka, C., Huisman, J. A., Graf, A., Schmidt, M., Stockinger, M., von Hebel, C., Hendricks-Franssen, H. J., van der Kruk, J., Tappe, W., Lücke, A., Baatz, R., Bol, R., Groh, J., Pütz, T., Jakobi, J., Kunkel, R., Sorg, J., and Vereecken, H.: The TERENO-Rur Hydrological Observatory: A Multiscale Multi-compartment Research Platform for the Advancement of Hydrological Science, Vadose Zone J., 17, 1–22,, 2018. 
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Short summary
Precipitation moves through the soil to become stream water. The fraction of precipitation that becomes stream water after 3 months (Fyw) can be calculated with the stable isotopes of water. Previously, this was done for all the isotope data available, e.g., for several years. We used 1 year of data to calculate Fyw and moved this calculation time window over the time series. Results highlight that Fyw varies in time. Comparison studies of different regions should take this into account.