Articles | Volume 23, issue 3
Research article
15 Mar 2019
Research article |  | 15 Mar 2019

Twenty-first-century glacio-hydrological changes in the Himalayan headwater Beas River basin

Lu Li, Mingxi Shen, Yukun Hou, Chong-Yu Xu, Arthur F. Lutz, Jie Chen, Sharad K. Jain, Jingjing Li, and Hua Chen

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Preprint under review for HESS
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Manuscript not accepted for further review
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Short summary
The study used an integrated glacio-hydrological model for the hydrological projections of the Himalayan Beas basin under climate change. It is very likely that the upper Beas basin will get warmer and wetter in the future. This loss in glacier area will result in a reduction in glacier discharge, while the future changes in total discharge are uncertain. The uncertainty in future hydrological change is not only from GCMs, but also from the bias-correction methods and hydrological modeling.