Articles | Volume 18, issue 12
Technical note
12 Dec 2014
Technical note |  | 12 Dec 2014

Technical Note: Reducing the spin-up time of integrated surface water–groundwater models

H. Ajami, J. P. Evans, M. F. McCabe, and S. Stisen

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Cited articles

Ajami, H., McCabe, M. F., Evans, J. P., and Stisen, S.: Assessing the impact of model spin-up on surface water–groundwater interactions using an integrated hydrologic model, Water Resour. Res., 50, 2636–2656,, 2014.
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Short summary
A new hybrid approach was developed to reduce the computational burden of the spin-up procedure by using a combination of model simulations and an empirical depth-to-water table function. Results illustrate that the hybrid approach reduced the spin-up period required for an integrated groundwater--surface water--land surface model (ParFlow.CLM) by up to 50%. The methodology is applicable to other coupled or integrated modeling frameworks when initialization from an equilibrium state is required.