Articles | Volume 27, issue 23
Research article
11 Dec 2023
Research article |  | 11 Dec 2023

Understanding the influence of “hot” models in climate impact studies: a hydrological perspective

Mehrad Rahimpour Asenjan, Francois Brissette, Jean-Luc Martel, and Richard Arsenault

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Subject: Hydrometeorology | Techniques and Approaches: Modelling approaches
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Cited articles

Arsenault, R., Brissette, F., Chen, J., Guo, Q., and Dallaire, G.: NAC 2 H: The North American Climate Change and Hydroclimatology Data Set, Water Resour. Res., 56, e2020WR027097,, 2020a. 
Arsenault, R., Brissette, F., Martel, J.-L., Troin, M., Lévesque, G., Davidson-Chaput, J., Gonzalez, M. C., Ameli, A., and Poulin, A.: A comprehensive, multisource database for hydrometeorological modeling of 14,425 North American watersheds, Sci. Data, 7, 243,, 2020b. 
Arsenault, R., Brissette, F., Martel, J.-L., Troin, M., Lévesque, G., Davidson-Chaput, J., Castañeda Gonzalez, M., Ameli, A., and Poulin, A.: HYSETS – A 14425 watershed Hydrometeorological Sandbox over North America, OSF [data set],, 2022. 
Cannon, A. J.: Multivariate quantile mapping bias correction: An N-dimensional probability density function transform for climate model simulations of multiple variables, Clim. Dynam., 50, 31–49,, 2018. 
Short summary
Climate models are central to climate change impact studies. Some models project a future deemed too hot by many. We looked at how including hot models may skew the result of impact studies. Applied to hydrology, this study shows that hot models do not systematically produce hydrological outliers.