Articles | Volume 27, issue 13
Review article
10 Jul 2023
Review article |  | 10 Jul 2023

Floods and droughts: a multivariate perspective

Manuela Irene Brunner

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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS).
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Hyper-resolution large-scale hydrological modelling benefits from improved process representation in mountain regions
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Comparison of high-resolution climate reanalysis datasets for hydro-climatic impact studies
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Cited articles

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Short summary
I discuss different types of multivariate hydrological extremes and their dependencies, including regional extremes affecting multiple locations, such as spatially connected flood events; consecutive extremes occurring in close temporal succession, such as successive droughts; extremes characterized by multiple characteristics, such as floods with jointly high peak discharge and flood volume; and transitions between different types of extremes, such as drought-to-flood transitions.