Articles | Volume 19, issue 1
Research article
07 Jan 2015
Research article |  | 07 Jan 2015

Hydrological hysteresis and its value for assessing process consistency in catchment conceptual models

O. Fovet, L. Ruiz, M. Hrachowitz, M. Faucheux, and C. Gascuel-Odoux

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Cited articles

Ali, G. A., L'Heureux, C., Roy, A. G., Turmel, M.-C., and Courchesne, F.: Linking spatial patterns of perched groundwater storage and stormflow generation processes in a headwater forested catchment, Hydrol. Process., 25, 3843–3857, 2011.
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Aubert, A. H., Gascuel-Odoux, C., Gruau, G., Akkal, N., Faucheux, M., Fauvel, Y., Grimaldi, C., Hamon, Y., Jaffrézic, A., Lecoz-Boutnik, M., Molénat, J., Petitjean, P., Ruiz, L., and Merot, P.: Solute transport dynamics in small, shallow groundwater-dominated agricultural catchments: insights from a high-frequency, multisolute 10 yr-long monitoring study, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 17, 1379–1391,, 2013.
Aubert, A. H., Gascuel-Odoux, C., and Merot, P.: Annual hysteresis of water quality: A method to analyse the effect of intra- and inter-annual climatic conditions, J. Hydrol., 478, 29–39, 2013.
Short summary
We studied the annual hysteretic patterns observed between stream flow and water storage in the saturated and unsaturated zones of a hillslope and a riparian zone. We described these signatures using a hysteresis index and then used this to assess conceptual hydrological models. This led us to identify four hydrological periods and a clearly distinct behaviour between riparian and hillslope groundwaters and to provide new information about the model performances.