Articles | Volume 29, issue 6
Research article
19 Mar 2025
Research article |  | 19 Mar 2025

Seasonal and diurnal freeze–thaw dynamics of a rock glacier and their impacts on mixing and solute transport

Cyprien Louis, Landon J. S. Halloran, and Clément Roques

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Anderson, R. S., Anderson, L. S., Armstrong, W. H., Rossi, M. W., and Crump, S. E.: Glaciation of alpine valleys: The glacier – debris-covered glacier – rock glacier continuum, Geomorphology, 311, 127–142,, 2018. a
Arnoux, M., Brunner, P., Schaefli, B., Mott, R., Cochand, F., and Hunkeler, D.: Low-flow behavior of alpine catchments with varying quaternary cover under current and future climatic conditions, J. Hydrol., 592, 125591,, 2021. a
Short summary
We investigate the freeze–thaw cycles of a rock glacier located in Switzerland and their influence on subsurface hydrology. By analyzing aerial pictures, we estimate the evolution of its creeping velocity on an inter-annual scale. We use geochemical tracers measured at springs to identify the mixing of meltwater and deep groundwater on seasonal to diurnal timescales. This study provides new insights into the cryo-hydrogeological processes that regulate water fluxes in mountain regions.