Articles | Volume 21, issue 8
Research article
25 Aug 2017
Research article |  | 25 Aug 2017

Halon-1301 – further evidence of its performance as an age tracer in New Zealand groundwater

Monique Beyer, Uwe Morgenstern, Rob van der Raaij, and Heather Martindale

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Cited articles

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Beyer, M.: Characterization of Groundwater with Complementary Age Tracers: PhD Thesis, the Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment Earth Sciences; available at: (last access: 22 August 2017), 2015.
Beyer, M., van der Raaij, R., Morgenstern, U., and Jackson, B.: Potential groundwater age tracer found: Halon-1301 (CF3Br), as previously identified as CFC-13 (CF3Cl), Water Resour. Res., 50, 7318–7331,, 2014.
Short summary
The determination of groundwater age can aid characterization of aquifers, providing information on groundwater mixing, flow, volume, and recharge rates. Here we assess a recently discovered groundwater age tracer, Halon-1301. Its performance as an age tracer is assessed against six other well-established, widely used age tracers in 302 groundwater samples. We show Halon-1301 reliably inferred age, thus potentially becoming a useful groundwater age tracer where other tracers are compromised.