Articles | Volume 21, issue 3
Research article
09 Mar 2017
Research article |  | 09 Mar 2017

Flow dynamics in hyper-saline aquifers: hydro-geophysical monitoring and modeling

Klaus Haaken, Gian Piero Deidda, Giorgio Cassiani, Rita Deiana, Mario Putti, Claudio Paniconi, Carlotta Scudeler, and Andreas Kemna

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Design and operation of a long-term monitoring system for spectral electrical impedance tomography (sEIT)
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Spectral induced polarization imaging to investigate an ice-rich mountain permafrost site in Switzerland
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Cited articles

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Short summary
The paper presents a general methodology that will help understand how freshwater and saltwater may interact in natural porous media, with a particular view at practical applications such as the storage of freshwater underground in critical areas, e.g., semi-arid zones around the Mediterranean sea. The methodology is applied to a case study in Sardinia and shows how a mix of advanced monitoring and mathematical modeling tremendously advance our understanding of these systems.