Articles | Volume 17, issue 2
Research article
06 Feb 2013
Research article |  | 06 Feb 2013

An effective depression filling algorithm for DEM-based 2-D surface flow modelling

D. Zhu, Q. Ren, Y. Xuan, Y. Chen, and I. D. Cluckie

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D. Zhu, Y. Xuan, and I. Cluckie
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Subject: Catchment hydrology | Techniques and Approaches: Mathematical applications
Inferring heavy tails of flood distributions through hydrograph recession analysis
Hsing-Jui Wang, Ralf Merz, Soohyun Yang, and Stefano Basso
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 27, 4369–4384,,, 2023
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Landscape structures regulate the contrasting response of recession along rainfall amounts
Jun-Yi Lee, Ci-Jian Yang, Tsung-Ren Peng, Tsung-Yu Lee, and Jr-Chuan Huang
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A National Scale Hybrid Model for Enhanced Streamflow Estimation – Consolidating a Physically Based Hydrological Model with Long Short-term Memory Networks
Jun Liu, Julian Koch, Simon Stisen, Lars Troldborg, and Raphael J. M. Schneider
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss.,,, 2023
Revised manuscript accepted for HESS
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Hydrological objective functions and ensemble averaging with the Wasserstein distance
Jared C. Magyar and Malcolm Sambridge
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 27, 991–1010,,, 2023
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Spatial variability in Alpine reservoir regulation: deriving reservoir operations from streamflow using generalized additive models
Manuela Irene Brunner and Philippe Naveau
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