Articles | Volume 16, issue 2
Technical note
06 Feb 2012
Technical note |  | 06 Feb 2012

Technical Note: How image processing facilitates the rising bubble technique for discharge measurement

K. P. Hilgersom and W. M. J. Luxemburg

Related subject area

Subject: Rivers and Lakes | Techniques and Approaches: Instruments and observation techniques
Hydrological, meteorological, and watershed controls on the water balance of thermokarst lakes between Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories, Canada
Evan J. Wilcox, Brent B. Wolfe, and Philip Marsh
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 27, 2173–2188,,, 2023
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Influence of vegetation maintenance on flow and mixing: case study comparing fully cut with high-coverage conditions
Monika Barbara Kalinowska, Kaisa Västilä, Michael Nones, Adam Kiczko, Emilia Karamuz, Andrzej Brandyk, Adam Kozioł, and Marcin Krukowski
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Assessing the influence of lake and watershed attributes on snowmelt bypass at thermokarst lakes
Evan J. Wilcox, Brent B. Wolfe, and Philip Marsh
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 26, 6185–6205,,, 2022
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Technical note: Analyzing river network dynamics and the active length–discharge relationship using water presence sensors
Francesca Zanetti, Nicola Durighetto, Filippo Vingiani, and Gianluca Botter
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 26, 3497–3516,,, 2022
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Technical note: Efficient imaging of hydrological units below lakes and fjords with a floating, transient electromagnetic (FloaTEM) system
Pradip Kumar Maurya, Frederik Ersted Christensen, Masson Andy Kass, Jesper B. Pedersen, Rasmus R. Frederiksen, Nikolaj Foged, Anders Vest Christiansen, and Esben Auken
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Cited articles

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