Articles | Volume 27, issue 18
Research article
27 Sep 2023
Research article |  | 27 Sep 2023

Drought intensity–duration–frequency curves based on deficit in precipitation and streamflow for water resources management

Yonca Cavus, Kerstin Stahl, and Hafzullah Aksoy

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Cited articles

Aksoy, H., Cetin, M., Eris, E., Burgan, H. I., Cavus, Y., Yildirim, I., and Sivapalan, M.: Critical drought intensity-duration-frequency curves based on total probability theorem-coupled frequency analysis, Hydrolog. Sci. J., 66, 1337–1358,, 2021. 
Brunner, M. I., Liechti, K., and Zappa, M.: Extremeness of recent drought events in Switzerland: dependence on variable and return period choice, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 2311–2323,, 2019. 
Cavus, Y. and Aksoy, H.: Spatial drought characterization for Seyhan River basin in the Mediterranean region of Turkey, Water, 11, 1331,, 2019. 
Cavus, Y. and Aksoy, H.: Critical drought severity/intensity-duration-frequency curves based on precipitation deficit, J. Hydrol., 584, 124312,, 2020. 
Cavus, Y., Stahl, K., and Aksoy, H.: Revisiting Major dry periods by rolling time series analysis for human-water relevance in drought, Water Resour. Manag., 36, 2725–2739,, 2022. 
Short summary
With intensified extremes under climate change, water demand increases. Every drop of water is more valuable than before when drought is experienced particularly. We developed drought intensity–duration–frequency curves using physical indicators, the deficit in precipitation and streamflow, for a more straightforward interpretation. Tests with the observed major droughts in two climatologically different catchments confirmed the practical applicability of the curves under drought conditions.