Articles | Volume 20, issue 5
Research article
24 May 2016
Research article |  | 24 May 2016

HYPERstream: a multi-scale framework for streamflow routing in large-scale hydrological model

Sebastiano Piccolroaz, Michele Di Lazzaro, Antonio Zarlenga, Bruno Majone, Alberto Bellin, and Aldo Fiori

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Short summary
We present HYPERstream, an innovative, parsimonious, and computationally efficient streamflow routing scheme based on the width function instantaneous unit hydrograph theory. HYPERstream is designed to be easily coupled with climate models and to preserve the geomorphological dispersion of the river network, irrespective of the model grid size. This makes HYPERstream well suited for multi-scale applications (from catchment up to continental scale) and to investigate extreme events (e.g. floods).