Articles | Volume 19, issue 11
Research article
23 Nov 2015
Research article |  | 23 Nov 2015

From runoff to rainfall: inverse rainfall–runoff modelling in a high temporal resolution

M. Herrnegger, H. P. Nachtnebel, and K. Schulz

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Cited articles

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Bica, B., Herrnegger, M., Kann, A., and Nachtnebel, H. P.: HYDROCAST – Enhanced estimation of areal rainfallby combining a meteorological nowcasting system with a hydrological model, Final report, Austrian Academy of Science, Vienna,, 2011.
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Short summary
Especially in alpine catchments, areal rainfall estimates often exhibit large errors. Runoff measurements are, on the other hand, one of the most robust observations within the hydrological cycle. We therefore calculate mean catchment rainfall by inverting an HBV-type rainfall-runoff model, using runoff observations as input. The inverse model may e.g. be used to analyse rainfall conditions of extreme flood events or estimation of snowmelt contribution.