Articles | Volume 21, issue 8
Research article
01 Aug 2017
Research article |  | 01 Aug 2017

Impact of model structure on flow simulation and hydrological realism: from a lumped to a semi-distributed approach

Federico Garavaglia, Matthieu Le Lay, Fréderic Gottardi, Rémy Garçon, Joël Gailhard, Emmanuel Paquet, and Thibault Mathevet

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Tailor-made spatial patterns for hydrological model parameters combining regionalisation methods
Laura Rouhier, Federico Garavaglia, Matthieu Le Lay, Timothée Michon, William Castaings, Nicolas Le Moine, Frédéric Hendrickx, Céline Monteil, and Pierre Ribstein
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss.,,, 2018
Manuscript not accepted for further review
Short summary
Evaluation of a compound distribution based on weather pattern subsampling for extreme rainfall in Norway
J. Blanchet, J. Touati, D. Lawrence, F. Garavaglia, and E. Paquet
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 15, 2653–2667,,, 2015
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Linking ENSO and heavy rainfall events over coastal British Columbia through a weather pattern classification
P. Brigode, Z. Mićović, P. Bernardara, E. Paquet, F. Garavaglia, J. Gailhard, and P. Ribstein
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 17, 1455–1473,,, 2013

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Subject: Catchment hydrology | Techniques and Approaches: Modelling approaches
Simulating the Tone River eastward diversion project in Japan carried out 4 centuries ago
Joško Trošelj and Naota Hanasaki
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 29, 753–766,,, 2025
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Lack of robustness of hydrological models: a large-sample diagnosis and an attempt to identify hydrological and climatic drivers
Léonard Santos, Vazken Andréassian, Torben O. Sonnenborg, Göran Lindström, Alban de Lavenne, Charles Perrin, Lila Collet, and Guillaume Thirel
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 29, 683–700,,, 2025
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Achieving water budget closure through physical hydrological process modelling: insights from a large-sample study
Xudong Zheng, Dengfeng Liu, Shengzhi Huang, Hao Wang, and Xianmeng Meng
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 29, 627–653,,, 2025
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Heavy-tailed flood peak distributions: what is the effect of the spatial variability of rainfall and runoff generation?
Elena Macdonald, Bruno Merz, Viet Dung Nguyen, and Sergiy Vorogushyn
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 29, 447–463,,, 2025
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State updating of the Xin'anjiang model: joint assimilating streamflow and multi-source soil moisture data via the asynchronous ensemble Kalman filter with enhanced error models
Junfu Gong, Xingwen Liu, Cheng Yao, Zhijia Li, Albrecht H. Weerts, Qiaoling Li, Satish Bastola, Yingchun Huang, and Junzeng Xu
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 29, 335–360,,, 2025
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