Articles | Volume 20, issue 5
Research article
12 May 2016
Research article |  | 12 May 2016

Supplemental irrigation potential and impact on downstream flow of Karkheh River basin in Iran

Behzad Hessari, Adriana Bruggeman, Ali Mohammad Akhoond-Ali, Theib Oweis, and Fariborz Abbasi

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Subject: Water Resources Management | Techniques and Approaches: Remote Sensing and GIS
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Cited articles

ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers): Hydrology handbook, 2nd Edn., ASCE Manuals and reports on engineering practice, No 28, ASCE, Danvers, MA, 1996.
Brouwer, C., Prins, K., and Heibloem, M.: Irrigation water management: Irrigation scheduling, Training manual 4, FAO, Rome, 1989.
De Pauw, E., Oweis, T., Nseir, B., and Youssef, J.: Spatial modelling of the biophysical potential for supplemental irrigation: methodology and a case study in Syria, ICARDA, Aleppo Syria, 2008.
Fox, P. and Rockström, M. J.: Supplemental irrigation for dry-spell mitigation of rainfed agriculture in the Sahel, Agr. Water Manage., 61, 29–50, 2003.
FRWO (Forest and Ranges and Watershed Organization): Land cover/land use of Iran extracted from Landsat Images of 1998, FRWO Engineering & Technical Bureau, 1998 (in Persian).
Short summary
Yields of rainfed winter crops such as wheat can be substantially improved with limited supplemental irrigation. The upper Karkheh River basin in Iran has 15 840 km2 of rainfed crops. A GIS method was designed to identify suitable areas for irrigation and a routine was developed to allocate water uses and route the flows downstream. A maximum of 13 % of the rainfed cropland could be irrigated under normal flow, 9 % if environmental flow requirements are considered and 6 % under drought conditions.