Articles | Volume 19, issue 5
Research article
20 May 2015
Research article |  | 20 May 2015

Interacting effects of climate and agriculture on fluvial DOM in temperate and subtropical catchments

D. Graeber, G. Goyenola, M. Meerhoff, E. Zwirnmann, N. B. Ovesen, M. Glendell, J. Gelbrecht, F. Teixeira de Mello, I. González-Bergonzoni, E. Jeppesen, and B. Kronvang

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Complex interactions of in-stream dissolved organic matter and nutrient spiralling unravelled by Bayesian regression analysis
Matthias Pucher, Peter Flödl, Daniel Graeber, Klaus Felsenstein, Thomas Hein, and Gabriele Weigelhofer
Biogeosciences, 18, 3103–3122,,, 2021
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Dissolved organic matter characteristics of deciduous and coniferous forests with variable management: different at the source, aligned in the soil
Lisa Thieme, Daniel Graeber, Diana Hofmann, Sebastian Bischoff, Martin T. Schwarz, Bernhard Steffen, Ulf-Niklas Meyer, Martin Kaupenjohann, Wolfgang Wilcke, Beate Michalzik, and Jan Siemens
Biogeosciences, 16, 1411–1432,,, 2019
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Fast-freezing with liquid nitrogen preserves bulk dissolved organic matter concentrations, but not its composition
Lisa Thieme, Daniel Graeber, Martin Kaupenjohann, and Jan Siemens
Biogeosciences, 13, 4697–4705,,, 2016
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Monitoring strategies of stream phosphorus under contrasting climate-driven flow regimes
G. Goyenola, M. Meerhoff, F. Teixeira-de Mello, I. González-Bergonzoni, D. Graeber, C. Fosalba, N. Vidal, N. Mazzeo, N. B. Ovesen, E. Jeppesen, and B. Kronvang
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 4099–4111,,, 2015
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Subject: Biogeochemical processes | Techniques and Approaches: Instruments and observation techniques
CAMELS-Chem: augmenting CAMELS (Catchment Attributes and Meteorology for Large-sample Studies) with atmospheric and stream water chemistry data
Gary Sterle, Julia Perdrial, Dustin W. Kincaid, Kristen L. Underwood, Donna M. Rizzo, Ijaz Ul Haq, Li Li, Byung Suk Lee, Thomas Adler, Hang Wen, Helena Middleton, and Adrian A. Harpold
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 28, 611–630,,, 2024
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Hydrological connectivity controls dissolved organic carbon exports in a peatland-dominated boreal catchment stream
Antonin Prijac, Laure Gandois, Pierre Taillardat, Marc-André Bourgault, Khawla Riahi, Alex Ponçot, Alain Tremblay, and Michelle Garneau
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 27, 3935–3955,,, 2023
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Technical note: Testing the effect of different pumping rates on pore-water sampling for ions, stable isotopes, and gas concentrations in the hyporheic zone
Tamara Michaelis, Anja Wunderlich, Thomas Baumann, Juergen Geist, and Florian Einsiedl
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 27, 3769–3782,,, 2023
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Geophysically based analysis of breakthrough curves and ion exchange processes in soil
Shany Ben Moshe, Pauline Kessouri, Dana Erlich, and Alex Furman
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 25, 3041–3052,,, 2021
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Spatio-temporal controls of C–N–P dynamics across headwater catchments of a temperate agricultural region from public data analysis
Stella Guillemot, Ophelie Fovet, Chantal Gascuel-Odoux, Gérard Gruau, Antoine Casquin, Florence Curie, Camille Minaudo, Laurent Strohmenger, and Florentina Moatar
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 25, 2491–2511,,, 2021
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Cited articles

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Borcard, D., Gillet, F., and Legendre, P.: Numerical ecology with R, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2011.