Articles | Volume 25, issue 5
Research article
18 May 2021
Research article |  | 18 May 2021

Spatio-temporal controls of C–N–P dynamics across headwater catchments of a temperate agricultural region from public data analysis

Stella Guillemot, Ophelie Fovet, Chantal Gascuel-Odoux, Gérard Gruau, Antoine Casquin, Florence Curie, Camille Minaudo, Laurent Strohmenger, and Florentina Moatar

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Preprint under review for ESSD
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Cited articles

Abbott, B. W., Gruau, G., Zarnetske, J. P., Moatar, F., Barbe, L., Thomas, Z., Fovet, O., Kolbe, T., Gu, S., Pierson-Wickmann, A.-C., Davy, P., and Pinay, G.: Unexpected spatial stability of water chemistry in headwater stream networks, Ecol. Lett., 21, 296–308,, 2018a. 
Abbott, B. W., Moatar, F., Gauthier, O., Fovet, O., Antoine, V., and Ragueneau, O.: Trends and seasonality of river nutrients in agricultural catchments: 18 years of weekly citizen science in France, Sci. Total Environ., 624, 845–858,, 2018b. 
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Short summary
This study investigates the drivers of spatial variations in stream water quality in poorly studied headwater catchments and includes multiple elements involved in major water quality issues, such as eutrophication. We used a regional public dataset of monthly stream water concentrations monitored for 10 years over 185 agricultural catchments. We found a spatial and seasonal opposition between carbon and nitrogen concentrations, while phosphorus concentrations showed another spatial pattern.