Articles | Volume 20, issue 9
Research article
14 Sep 2016
Research article |  | 14 Sep 2016

Local impact analysis of climate change on precipitation extremes: are high-resolution climate models needed for realistic simulations?

Hossein Tabari, Rozemien De Troch, Olivier Giot, Rafiq Hamdi, Piet Termonia, Sajjad Saeed, Erwan Brisson, Nicole Van Lipzig, and Patrick Willems

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Subject: Urban Hydrology | Techniques and Approaches: Stochastic approaches
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Event-based stochastic point rainfall resampling for statistical replication and climate projection of historical rainfall series
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Statistical analysis of hydrological response in urbanising catchments based on adaptive sampling using inter-amount times
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Partitioning the impacts of spatial and climatological rainfall variability in urban drainage modeling
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Cited articles

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